Hard Chrome Plating

 High-speed hard chrome plating 0.001/hr and up to 62" DIA.

Hard Chrome Advantages

Chrome Build-ups
For most applications, chrome build-up is any deposit greater than .001" thick. This typically applies to parts with heavy wear that require restoring the OEM dimension(s) specifications. Due to chrome's durability, chrome build-up benefits parts exposed to the most challenging conditions. Mexicali Hard Chrome, an expert in hard chrome plating, can deposit over .060" thickness on most parts if needed. 

Flash Chrome
Flash chrome is a deposit less than .001" thick on most parts and has many different applications. It can increase the life of plastic injection molds and their components. In the printing industry, flash chrome is also used for its corrosion-resistant properties on moisture-containing parts. Although it is mainly used for its corrosion-resistant benefits, it slightly increases wear resistance.

Chrome Croydon
This finish is achieved by sandblasting the area to a specific R.A.  We then chrome-plate the piece to the required thickness per instruction. When slick material is moved over the top of these parts, many are used for gripping purposes.

New Chrome Plating Tank
3700 gal tank
66" x 108" x 120" depth dimensions
3 new High Amperage Rectifiers
High-Speed Chrome Solution capable of plating .001/hr
Custom Lead Anodes for more uniform coverage
5-ton crane over the tank
Chrome plate up to 62" dia

New Chrome Plating Tank

Hard Chrome Plating Rollers
Roller Hard Chrome
Hard Chrome Plated Rollers
Industrial Hard Chrome Chicago